Warning: Declaration of CExAlbumModified::CreateTreeElemCode(&$sTreeJS, $sPageURL, $nParentID, $sFocus, $nLevel = 0) should be compatible with CAlbum::CreateTreeElemCode(&$sTreeJS, $sPageURL, $nParentID, $sFocus, $nLevel, $sCurrentFolder = '') in /home/httpd/vhosts/kempx.ch/gallery.kempx.ch/config/custom.php on line 481 Corpstag 2009 > DSC_1230
Corpstag 2009 > DSC_1230 (983 Aufrufe)
Mukesh  - 23. November 2013, 21:07
wenn dich die Technik und mehrere Objektive fcberfordern, dann venrdwee halt nur eins und beschre4nke dich auf die Mf6glichkeiten die deine alten Analogen boten. Finden sich doch bestimmt auch in der EOS 450 wieder, oder?Wenigstens ist hier das Retro Design mal ordentlich umgesetzt, nicht so le4ppisch halb wie bei den Pens.So, bevor mich jf6rn schle4gt bin ich jetzt lieber still. Eins noch, kein Klappschirm und/oder schwenkbarer Sucher finde ich pers. auch sehr unpraktisch.
Ali  - 24. November 2013, 18:06
I don't want to just suck it up and mail in a paper application. This is 2012, I can<a href="http://hocoamjupgg.com"> dopesit</a> checks with my phone and skype for free with people around the world instantly but the federal government can't seem to get a simple online submission form to work? The IRS seems to be so eager to get their hands on every possible dollar but when it comes to making the mindless bureaucratic chores necessary to start and run a business actually work efficiently, they have no interest in fixing anything. And don't tell people to call to get it done; I've called three times on different days at different times and stayed on hold for 45 minutes or more before getting fed up (no pun intended) and hanging up. Use my tax dollars to make the system function efficiently or stop taking so much of it altogether.
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